Christopher Reynolds of Isle of Wight, Virginia
Christopher Reynolds [a] b 1611, Gravesend, Kent, England, d bef 25 Nov 1657, Isle of Wight, VA. He md Elizabeth Matthews abt 1637. She was b abt 1615, of England, d abt 1658, Isle of Wight, VA.
Children of Christopher Reynolds and Elizabeth Matthews were:
- Abbasha Reynolds b abt 1639, Isle of Wight, VA.
- Elizabeth Reynolds b abt 1640, Isle of Wight, VA; md Richard Jordan 1654.
- Christopher Reynolds b 1642.
- John Reynolds b abt 1645, Isle of Wight, VA.
- Richard Reynolds b abt 1647, Isle of Wight, VA.
- Jane Reynolds b abt 1651, Isle of Wight, VA.
Christopher Reynolds b 1642, Isle of Wight, VA, d 1695-97, Somerset, MD. He md Elizabeth abt 1670. She was b abt 1648, Isle of Wight, VA.
Child of Christopher Reynolds and Elizabeth was:
Elizabeth Reynolds b 1686, Isle of Wight, VA, d bef 11 May 1765, Louisa, VA. She md Charles Moorman 1703/04, son of Thomas Moorman and Elizabeth.
a. He was in Isle of Wight County by 1634, when he was deeded 100 acres there on 14 Dec.
On 15 Sep 1636, he received a patent of 450 acres "in the county of Warrisquick, bounded by the back creek running eastward behind the Pagan shore, some three miles upward, the land lying on the south side of the creek and an old Indian field belonging to the land", due for the transportation of nine servants. He is mentioned as deceased in a 25 Nov 1657 land patent. The will of Christopher Reynolds, immigrant:
The first day of May, 1654. I, Christopher Reynolds, of the Isle of Wight County, in Virginia, planter, being healthful in Body and Sound in Mind and Memory.
Imprimis. I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Christopher Reynolds, all my land on the Southerly side of the freshest Swamp that Richard Jordan now liveth upon. And I give unto my son John, all my Land on the Northerly Side of the freshest Swamp, and one cow, and he to enjoy said Land at Twenty one years of age. And unto my son Richard, I give all my Land I now live upon and one cow, and he to enjoy the sd land at Twenty one years of age. And my daughter Abbasha, I have given unto her a portion already, which was two cows and two calves. And I give unto my daughter Elizabeth, one Heifer of two years old, besides the stock I gave her formerly. And unto my daughter Jane, I give one cow and one yearling Heifer. And I give unto George Rivers one yearling Heifer. And I give unto the child my wife now goeth with if it lives two cows, to enjoy them at three years old. And if any of my children dye, my will is that the other should succeed what estate they leave. And unto Elizabeth, my loving wife, I give all the rest of my estate, both goods and chattels, moveable and unmoveable, and debts that are due to me from any person or persons whatsoever, and my two servants, she paying all my debts truly and justly. And I do constitute and ordain Elizabeth, my loving wife, my whole and sole Executrix. And my will is that my wife Elizabeth, shall have the ordering and bringing up John and Richard, my sons, until they be sixteen years of age, and Elizabeth & Jane until they be fifteen years of age. In witness whereof, I, the sd Christopher Reynolds, have hereunto set my Hand & Seal the Day and Year first above written.
Christopher Reynolds. [Seal.]
Sealed, subscribed and delivered in the presence of
Sylvester B. Bullen (mark), Anthony A. Mathews (mark).
GL: Virginia Vital Records, Virginia Will Records, Isle of Wight County Wills, pp. 237-238; Early Wills and Deeds, Isle of Wight County, p 208; Isle of Wight County Deeds and Other Records, p 183; Virginia Colonial Records, Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 1-Part I, p 47.
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