Coleman of Wales and Virginia
Robert Coleman [a] b abt 1620, prob Wales, d 1689, Gloucester, VA. He md Elizabeth Grizzell abt 1650, daughter of William Grizzell. She was b abt 1632, England, d Gloucester, VA.
Children of Robert Coleman and Elizabeth Grizzell were:
- Thomas Coleman b abt 1652, Gloucester, VA; md Rebecca.
- Grizzell Coleman b abt 1653, Gloucester, VA; md Benjamin Clement.
- Robert Coleman b 1655.
- John Coleman b abt 1660, Gloucester, VA, d abt 1704; md Margaret.
- Joseph Coleman b abt 1660, Gloucester, VA, d abt 1704; md Agnes Adelston abt 1686,
Gloucester, VA.
- Daniel Coleman b 1662, Gloucester, VA, d bef 7 Jun 1722, King and Queen, VA.
- Richard Coleman b abt 1663, Gloucester, VA.
- Ann Coleman b abt 1665, Gloucester, VA.
Robert Coleman [b] b 1655, Gloucester, VA, d bef 14 Aug 1713, Essex, VA. He md Ann Spilsbe [c] abt 1680. She was b 1659, Essex, VA, d Aug 1717, Essex, VA.
Children of Robert Coleman and Ann Spilsbe were:
- Elizabeth Coleman b abt 1682, Essex, VA; md Daniel Brown.
- Robert Coleman b 1684, Essex, VA; md Mary Clayton 26 Jan 1711/12, King and Queen, VA.
- Edward Coleman b 1686, Essex, VA; md Ann Reaves 14 Feb 1711/12, Essex, VA.
- Grizzell Coleman b 1688, Essex, VA; md [1] John Chamberlain 13 Aug 1713, Essex, VA, [2]
Thomas Hardy.
- Thomas Coleman b abt 1690.
- Anne Coleman b 1694, Essex, VA; md William Covington 13 May 1714, Essex, VA.
- Spilsbe Coleman b abt 1696, prob Essex, VA; md Mary Crow 20 Jan 1716/17, Essex, VA.
Thomas Coleman [d] b abt 1690, Essex, VA, d bef 14 Mar 1747/48, King and Queen, VA. He md Mary (poss Lort) abt 1712. She was b abt 1694.
Children of Thomas Coleman and Mary were:
- Ann Coleman b abt 1716; md Unknown Clayton.
- Richard Lort Coleman b abt 1718.
- Elizabeth Coleman b abt 1720; md Unknown Pendleton.
- Robert Coleman b abt 1721.
- Grizzell Coleman b abt 1722; md Unknown Smith.
- Lucy Coleman b abt 1724; md Unknown Perkins.
- Thomas Coleman b abt 1726.
- Dolly Coleman b 10 Nov 1732.
Dolly Coleman b 10 Nov 1732, King and Queen, VA, d 14 Sep 1809, Halifax, VA. She md William Hoskins abt 1749, son of Samuel Hoskins and Mary Brereton. He was b 7 Oct 1729, King and Queen, VA, d Apr 1781, Halifax, VA.
a. From Cavaliers and Pioneers, we find Robert Coleman granted 110 acres in Gloucester County, 18 Mar 1662, for the transportation of 3 persons. From Charles City County Court Orders and Fragments 1664-1696, p 309, is recorded a Deed of Gift, dated 20 May 1663, in which Robt Coleman Senr of "Apamatick" in C.C. Co. gives "unto my sonne Robt Coleman now Jun'r", part of "my land" on the Southside of Apamatuck River "I know not the quantity of it". "bounded as foll the bredth of it upon the River shall be from the Land of Robt Burgesse down the River side to two marked oakes w'ch stand at the West end of my now dwelling house." This was signed "RC" and witnessed by Thomas Batte and Thomas Daulby, and "Sworne in Court by Robt Coleman sen'r" 3 June 1663. From Cavaliers & Pioneers, Patent Book 5, p 508, is a grant for "ROBT. COLEMAN, 110 acs. Gloster Co., 18 Mar 1662, p. 352 (369). On main branch of Burts Cr., beg. at Danll Clarkes land, running N.W. by N. &c. to Richard Fosters land, then N. &c. to another devdt. of his own &c. Trans. of 3 pers: Gabriell Bradmeed, Tho. Follit, Ann Madden."
b. He is known to have arrived at Hobbes Hole (later Tappahannock) an important port along the Rappahanock River, in Rappahannock County by 10 Nov 1690. He was a merchant by trade and also kept an ordinary or tavern, located on the northwest corner of Prince and Water Lane. He is also said to have built a wharf at the end of Marsh Street. His plantation extended from present-day Coleman's Island through the St. Margaret's School campus, being located along the Rappahannock River in the modern town of Tappahannock. The portion of Rappahannock in which he resided was organized into Essex County in 1692. From Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Essex County, Wills and Deeds, 1711-1714, p 13 is found "Robert Coleman of the Parish of So Farnham in the County of Essex aged about fifty six years Deposeth and Saith that on the fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord 1711 this Deponent was sent for by Major James Boughan late Dec'd in his life time to come to him the said Boughan the said Boughan did then desire this Deponent to make his will...." and a Lease and Release, both Indentures dated 13 May 1714: "Daniel Brown of So. Farn. Par., sells William Covington and Ann his wife, of the same Par., 100 acres in So. Farn. Par., on south side of Piscataway Creek, adj. land of Thomas Jenkins. This sale is made in consideration of L 13. paid by Mr Robert Coleman late deceased. Signed Dan'll Brown. Wit: George Trible, Edward Price. Rec. 13 May 1714." Robert Coleman's will was proved in Essex County court 14 Aug 1713:
The Will of Robert Coleman
In Ye Name of God Amen I Robert Coleman of ye County of Essex in ye dominion of Virginia considering how frail men is & being in a low Estate of body but of Sound mind & memory have thought fit to make this my last wil & Testament in maner and form following Revoking all other wills whatsoever
first I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God whoe gave it me my body I desire to be Christian Like buried at ye descretion of my Executrix hereafter named
Secondly I desire yt all my debts be payd by my Executrix
Thirdly I give unto my son Thomas my son Robert & my Daughter Elizabeth Each of them twenty Shillings to be paid to them within one year after my death.
4th I give unto my son Edward Coleman half ye tract of land yt I purchased of Capt. Thomas Pettet ye whole tract being four hundred eighty eight acres & my wil & desire is that my son Edward above named have that part next & adjoining to Bolens Line to him and his heares for ever.
5ly I give unto my daughter Grissel Chamberlin & to ye issue of her body Lawfully begoten or to be begoten the other half o ye land yt I purchased of Capt. thomas Pettet & for want of such issue to my daughter Anne & ye issue of her body Lawfully begoten or to be begoten & for want of such issue to the next in blod.
6ly I give & bequeath to my Loving wife Anne Coleman all that my tract or seat of land yt I have in possession at the place whereon I now live during her natureall Life and at her death my wil is that my son Spilsbe Coleman have the land whereon I now live with all ye Rites & prevelidgs to it belonging to him & the issue of his body Lawfully begoten or to be begotten & for want of such Issue to the next heair in blood. All ye rest of my lands yt I is not already given away be they of what nature or quality soever I give unto my daughter Anne Coleman & to her heairs for Ever.
all ye rest of my Estate both reall & personal or be it of what nature soever I dooe give & bequeath unto my Loving wife Anne Coleman whoo I dooe appoynt to be my whole and sole Executrix of this my Last Wil & Testament. And it is my wil & desire yt my Estate be not brought to an appraisement but that my sd Executrix doo Enter into bond to pay all my debts & Legacies
Sealed and published
in the presents of us
Edward "EF" Faulkner
Elizabeth Faulkner
Samuel Dry
c. After Robert Coleman's death, his widow Anne, married John Hunter, concerning whom we find an Agreement, dated 5 April 1715 "between John Hunter and Ann Coleman of the County of Essex of one part and Thomas Coleman, son of the said Ann Coleman of the County of King and Queen of the other part: Whereas there is a marriage (by God's Grace) intended Suddainly between the sd John Hunter and her the sd Ann. It is agreed between John and Ann to and with Thomas Coleman that the whole personall Estate now in the possession of her the sd Ann which she holds and Enjoys by vertue of the Last Will and Testam't of Robert Coleman dec'ed her late husband shall and may when required by him the sd Thomas either before the said marriage be solemnized or after, be divided into two Equal parts "one part thereof being retained and kept by her the sd Ann as her own proper Estate and other half to be divided between the sd Thomas and the rest of the children of said Robert Coleman." John Hunter and Ann Coleman were bound to John Coleman in the sum of L 500. Sterl. to keep this agreement.
Anne Spilsbe Coleman Hunter made her will on 4 Nov 1715, which was presented for probate on 20 Aug 1717.
d. On 19 Jun 1716, Thomas Coleman, of St. Stephen's Parish in King and Queen County, purchased 542 acres of land from James Boughan in Essex County. On 17 Apr 1722, he purchased of John Tatum 150 acres of land in King and Queen County, bordered on the Bestland line of William Claiborne. It also appears that he owned additional land prior to his father's death in 1713, which he mentions in his will as "my old plantation in this county". It is speculated that his wife's maiden name may have been Lort, this name appearing as the middle name of their first son.
The Will of Thomas Coleman
In the name of God amen. I Thomas Coleman of the county of King and Queen being in perfect sense and memory do think fit to make this my last will and testament in the following manner,
first, I resign my soul to almight god who gave it in sure and certain hopes of a joyful resurrection and as touching such estate as the lord in his mercy has bestowed upon me. I give the same as followeth,
first, I give and bequeath to my wife Mary Coelman in lieu of the thirds of dower of my estate two negroes Tye and Phillis and their increase that shall happen after my decease with half of my stocks of cattle, sheep, and hogs, all my horses and half of the crop both of corn and tobacco, which shall be made on the plantation where I now live with all my household goods and the two wheeled chair and harness to her and her heirs forever, also I lend to my said wife, my negro boy Ben and girl Sary during her widowhood.
Item, I give to my son Richard Lort Coleman my old plantation in this county with all the lands thereunto belonging to him and his heirs forever as also one half of the stocks thereon of what kind soever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Coleman the tract of land I purchased of Mr. James Baughan in Essex County being five hundred and forty acres whereon my said son now lives to him and the lawful issue of his body and for want of such issue to be equally divided between my two sons Richard Lort and Robert Coleman and their heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Clayton ten pounds curt. money.
Item, I give to my daughter Lucy Perkins fifteen pounds curt. money four head of cattle and six hogs, also I lend to my said daughter Lucy the tract of land I bought of John Tatum with two negroes namely Alce and Geroge and their increase from the date hereof for and during her natural life and after her decease I give the 2 negroes and their increase with the said land to her two daughters Elizabeth and Tabitha Perkins to be equally divided between them and their heirs forever.
Item, I give to my daughter Dolly Hoskins two negroes namely Commley and Betty and their increase to her my said daughter and her heirs forever.
Item, I give all the rest of my estate not before given or bequeathed both real and personal together with the negroes lent my wife during her widowhood to my several children hereafter named that is to say, Richard Lort Coleman, Thomas Coleman, Robert Coleman, Elizabeth Pendleton, Grissel Smith, and Dolly Hoskins to them and their heirs forever to be equally divided.
Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Grissel Smith one negro woman named Jenny to her and her heirs forever.
Lastly, I ordain, constitute and appoint my sons Richard Lort Coleman and Thomas Coleman to be executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills by me made.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth day of February Anno. Dom: 1748.
Signed, sealed and published
in presence of us
G. Braxton
John Page
George Kauffman
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